For Our Guests

Coming into a church can be intimidating. Lots of people you don't know. Routines and unwritten rules that are completely new to you. We hope that we will make you feel welcome, and please know that all of your questions are okay. Here are a few things to know about us to help ease your mind about your visit with us.

  1. Weekend services are typically about an hour, though on special occasions, like when we have communion, it may take a little longer. Our special midweek services during Advent and Lent are usually 45 minutes.
  2. We don't mind children, even if they are loud or start crying. If you're not comfortable we do have a nursery with a video feed, or you can step into the Fellowship Hall and there are windows where you can watch and still hear the service. We don't have a staffed nursery at this time, but want you to know that children are a welcome part of worship, even when they fidget or are learning to worship for the first time. Sunday School takes place at the same time as our Adult Bible Class, and we have a refreshment time on Sunday at 8:30 a.m before Sunday School and Bible Class.
  3. We have two different worship services each weekend.
  4. Saturday evening is a smaller crowd of about 30 generally, and it's a more relaxed and good way to start out if you're not comfortable with a larger group.
  5. Our Sunday morning worship service is at 10:00 a.m. The service is blended, which includes traditional hymns and a variety of praise and worship songs.
  6. Both services include a sharing of the peace, where we invite people to share the peace as they greet one another. Both follow a liturgical order with common things like confession and forgiveness of sins, responsive readings, Scripture readings, prayers intermixed with hymns and songs. While we use an order of service out of the hymnal at times, we still print the whole service in the bulletin to make it easier to follow. There are also large print bulletins available as well as a children's bulletin. Our Sunday morning worship also includes the songs and liturgy on the screens in front of the church.
  7. There are people who will dress up in their "Sunday best," and there will be some who will wear more casual clothes based on the season including jeans and shorts. While out of respect for the Lord means we don't wear hats in church, we aren't particular about how you look, but are just glad you are here in worship with us.
  8. We do celebrate the Lord's Supper in services (1st and 3rd Weekend in the Saturday Service - 2nd and 4th Sunday in the 10:00 a.m. service). We do believe in the Real Presence of our Savior Jesus in the Supper and encourage those who aren't members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to read our communion statement in the pew and speak with Pastor if you are interested in communing with us, especially for the first time.
