Children's Ministry

Trinity Lutheran offers Sunday School classes for children from age 3 to 5th Grade on Sunday morning at 8:45 a.m. There is also Wednesday evening activities that are Bible based as a part of our Christian Family Night during the school year. During non-communion services there are usually children messages offered by Pastor Rob, as well as a special Children's bulletin and activity bags for the little ones. Trinity also offers Vacation Bible School for a week during the summer based on different themes each year. There is also a Christmas Children's program which also includes handbells. After children are baptized, a cradle roll sends age appropriate ideas and materials for parents to use with their little one until the age of three. There is also a nursery with closed cirucit TV which can be used if needed during services, though we love having children being a part of our worship services. Below you can see some photos from some of our children's activities.  
